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eIDAS2 Toolbox: Selective Disclosure and ZKP in the Identity Wallet

eIDAS2 Toolbox: Selective Disclosure and ZKP in the Identity Wallet

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 16:00—16:15
Location: A 03-04
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In this session, Sebastian Elfors gives an introduction into what selective disclosure really means for the EUDI Wallet within eIDAS2. He will delve into the topic of what selectively disclosed attributes are, unlinkability between relying parties, range proofs and zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) predicates. He will then dissect the legal definitions of “selective disclosure” within the eIDAS2 proposal as well as the technical definitions in the ARF outline.

Next, different selective disclosure schemes are analyzed, including atomic (Q)EAAs schemes, multi-message signature schemes, salted attribute hashes and proofs for arithmetic circuits. The session ends with an in-depth analysis of selective disclosure credential formats and solutions and how they may fit with eIDAS2.

Sebastian Elfors
Senior Architect
In his current role as a Senior Architect at IDnow, Sebastian is a member of CEN TC/224, ETSI ESI, FIDO Alliance, IATA OneID, Linux Foundation, OpenWallet Foundation and W3C, where he has...
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