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Prepare for G20 with this Digital Identity Sprint & Interactive Survey by SIDI Hub

Prepare for G20 with this Digital Identity Sprint & Interactive Survey by SIDI Hub

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 16:00—16:30
Location: B 09
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UN Strategic Development Goal 16.9 is to bring identity to 8 Billion people… what about enabling 8 billion people to have access to Digital Identity? How can we ensure digital identities are interoperable across borders? What do we need the G20 to do to help accelerate the work already underway?

This MasterClass is will engage in these questions and more in the context of the Sustainable & Interoperable Digital Identity (SIDI Hub) effort “to define what we need to achieve global interoperability for digital identity.” The SIDI Hub builds upon the OECD Recommendations on the Governance of Digital Identity (38 country adherents), and the “Human-Centric Digital Identity” whitepaper (cobranded by 13 non-profits). The first SIDI Summit was held last November, and convened experts from 21 non-profits, 22 countries, and 4 multilateral organizations (OECD, UN, World Bank, EU), to discuss whether to pursue interoperable digital identity, and if so how to achieve it? The findings of the first event were clear… 92% of attendees agreeing to continue the work in 2024, and the group achieved initial consensus on the tactics that can help the global community achieve digital identity interoperability in practice.

During the MasterClass, participants will be asked to take part in an interactive survey. This data will be used to inform the SIDI Hub approach in 2024, and the G20 discussions.

Debora Comparin
Standardization Expert
Member, Secure Identity Alliance (SIA)
Debora Comparin is Standardization Expert at Thales Digital Identity & Security, founder and chair of the OSIA Initiative, co-founder of SIDI Hub and Advisory Board member of the Linux...
Elizabeth Garber
Director of Marketing
OpenID Foundation
Elizabeth Garber is co-founder and Chief Product Officer of IDPartner, a startup that puts people in control of their digital identities. Her background includes leading the Open Digital Trust...
Gail Hodges
Executive Director
OpenID Foundation
The OpenID Foundation is a non-profit global standards body that seeks to help people assert their identity wherever they choose by leading the global community in creating identity standards that...
Nick Mothershaw
Chief Identity Strategist
The Open Identity Exchange
Nick is Chief Identity Strategist at the Open Identity Exchange, a community for all those involved in the ID sector to connect and collaborate. Together we develop the guidance needed for...
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