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Overcoming Passwords and Legacy: The Future of Customer Identity

Overcoming Passwords and Legacy: The Future of Customer Identity

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 15:00—15:15
Location: A 03-04
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The face of customer identity has changed completely over the years. While legacy systems such as password-based authentication and SAML continue to be present in the market, more modern specifications such as OpenID Connect and FIDO2 are quickly gaining ground and powering unique use cases that enterprises require today.

In this session, Descope Co-Founder Meir Wahnon will:

  • Highlight the changing customer identity needs facing today’s enterprises
  • Share popular use cases of modern protocols like OIDC and FIDO2
  • Provide tips on how customer identity can be an enabler for business teams
Meir Wahnon
Meir is a co-founder at Descope, a drag-and-drop customer authentication and identity management platform. Before Descope, Meir served as Sr. Director of Engineering at Palo Alto Networks after the...
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