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Automating Security Checks on AWS - A Deep Dive into Preventing Privilege Escalations

Automating Security Checks on AWS - A Deep Dive into Preventing Privilege Escalations

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 14:45—15:00
Location: A 03-04
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When moving to the Cloud, and especially AWS, common Identity Management functionality as found in on-premise tools have limited impact on securing your AWS environment, as many new types of access to a plethora of AWS resources for an overwhelming number of users need to be managed. Luckily, AWS provides a very detailed and granular model of roles and predefined policies to define who (or which entity) may be granted to access to which object. All done - right? Unfortunately, either through lack of insight to actual role entitlements or by large number of relations, control over the infrastructure is easily lost. The talk introduces a new way to quickly gain back overview and identify threats lingering deep inside this jungle and how to mitigate them quickly!

Manuel Benz
Chief Technical Officer
As the Chief Technical Officer and Co-Founder of CodeShield, Manuel Benz spearheads efforts to strengthen IAM privilege escalation detection in cloud infrastructures. In his academic journey at...
Sebastian Rohr
umbrella.associates GmbH
While Sebastian has been known as author of multiple articles, reviews and essays on all kinds of Identity and Security topics, he has more recently made a name for himself as being the...
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