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Challenges in the Deployment of Digital Certificates and Identities in Mechanical and Plant Engineering

Challenges in the Deployment of Digital Certificates and Identities in Mechanical and Plant Engineering

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 11:40—12:00
Location: B 09
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The protection of new value chains and the implementation of regulations such as NIS2 or the Machinery Directive presents challenges for suppliers in the machinery and plant engineering sector. The use of identities and X.509 certificates plays a significant role and is a fundamental building block for a long-term security architecture.

But how are X.509 identities and public key infrastructure (PKI) connected? Why can X.509 certificates also be created without a PKI and what dangers are hidden behind them? What is the situation regarding standardization and legal requirements?

In this presentation, Andreas will show use-cases and customer case studies, outlining the actual adoption rate of PKI in industrial areas in terms of standards and regulations, and share best practices.

Andreas Philipp
Senior Business Development Manager, IoT
Andreas Philipp is a Senior IoT Business Development Manager at Keyfactor. With a degree in communications engineering, he started his career more than 30 years ago as a developer in the area of...
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