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Automate Disconnected Apps for IGA Deployments - Automate the Non-Automated

Automate Disconnected Apps for IGA Deployments - Automate the Non-Automated

Combined Session
Thursday, June 06, 2024 11:40—12:00
Location: B 07-08
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Do you find yourself chasing down data files for disconnected apps? Yes, we all want fully bidirectional apps…But what about those “file” apps. Learn how to modernize the file collection and ingestion for your IGA Solution by empowering disconnected app owners to upload and pre-validate user and entitlement data on recurring schedules. Don’t fool yourself that your deployment will be the exception. Join Aquera, a 2022 Gartner “Cool Vendor” in Identity-First Security, to learn how to automate this process with improved file integrity, visibility on collection status through a central dashboard, and centralization of audit evidence data.

Craig Glogower
Director IGA Solutions
Craig Glogower has over 20 years of experience leading Identity Programs in large global and national corporate environments. His passion is focused on solving complex identity challenges and...
Reed Henry
CEO and Co-Founder
Reed has a history of defining new innovative products and taking them to market with his background in product management, marketing, sales, professional services, business development, and...
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