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Customer Identity and Access Management: Build or Buy?

Customer Identity and Access Management: Build or Buy?

Combined Session
Wednesday, June 05, 2024 18:10—18:30
Location: B 07-08
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When it comes to implementing a Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) system, many organizations often focus solely on selecting a product or vendor and negotiating the associated licensing costs.

While this method may indeed be the correct one, making the right technological choices in a business context requires a more nuanced approach and more careful analysis. Purchasing a product is not the only option available. The necessary analysis includes evaluating factors such as time-to-market, total cost of ownership, and the level of control and flexibility needed to integrate into the existing business and technology setting. Additionally, there are also questions about support for open standards and how quickly and cost-effectively future requirements can be addressed. Large organizations with extensive internal and external integrations, particularly those in regulated sectors like financial services, may have additional unique requirements.

In this session, we will explore various strategies for implementing an enterprise-level CIAM platform. These strategies include purchasing and deploying an off-the-shelf product, building a custom solution from scratch, and adopting a blended approach that combines both approaches. Each of these options presents its own set of advantages, drawbacks, and trade-offs.

The presentation will cover the following topics:
- Brief introduction to Customer IAM and how it differs from Workforce IAM.
- Main business use cases and importance of the customer identity today.
- Introduction of the three main approaches that organizations can use to implement the CIAM solution.
- Detailed evaluation focusing on advantages, drawbacks and trade-offs of each approach.
- Summary and recommendations.

Igor Janicijevic
Principal Engineer, Digital Access
National Australia Bank
Igor Janicijevic is Principal Engineer at National Australia Bank (NAB), where he focuses on digital identity and access management. Prior to NAB he spent 15 years at SecureNet / Betrusted /...
Rupesh Ramachandran
Head of Technology
National Australia Bank
Rupesh has more than twenty years' of industry experience spanning enterprise application development, consulting, and support. He has extensive experience and an active interest in Information...
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