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Panel: Building Trust in AI through Decentralized Identity

Panel: Building Trust in AI through Decentralized Identity

Combined Session
Wednesday, June 05, 2024 15:30—16:10
Location: B 09
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In this panel session we will discuss how decentralized identity techniques can help mitigate threats posed by LLMs such as deep fakes. Approaches relying on detection can result in an arms race; in contrast, decentralized identity techniques allow stronger infrastructure enabling trust by design, easy content authenticity detection, and more.

Wayne Chang
Wayne Chang is the CEO of SpruceID, a technology company with the mission to let users control their identity and data across all their digital interactions. SpruceID provides open-source...
Kim Hamilton Duffy
Executive Director
Decentralized Identity Foundation
Kim Hamilton Duffy is Executive Director of Decentralized Identity Foundation. She is passionate about creating innovative and human-centered solutions that unlock new opportunities for individuals...
Linda Jeng
Founder & CEO
Digital Self Labs
Linda Jeng is the Founder & CEO of Digital Self Labs, a regulatory, policy & tech advisory firm. She is also a Visiting Scholar on Financial Technology and Adjunct Professor of Law at...
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