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From Encryption to Extortion: The New Face of Ransomware Attacks

From Encryption to Extortion: The New Face of Ransomware Attacks

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 16:10—16:30
Location: Satelit
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The surge in ransomware attacks has become one of our most pressing cybersecurity challenges. With attackers continuously adapting and refining their tactics, staying abreast of the latest developments and trends in this ever-evolving threat landscape is crucial.

Florian and Stefan explore the modern nuances of ransomware attacks in this panel. Discussions will revolve around cutting-edge techniques such as double extortion, where attackers deny access to data and threaten its public release, and the shift towards targeting operational technology, leading to real-world disruptions. Moreover, the panel will highlight the rise of decentralized ransomware models that utilize networks of affiliates and delve into the contentious debate around the ethics and implications of paying ransomware.

Beyond understanding the current ransomware landscape, attendees will be introduced to preventive measures, effective response strategies, and potential future trajectories of ransomware evolution. Join this insightful discussion to equip yourself with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of ransomware in today's interconnected digital ecosystem.

Florian Jörgens
Chief Information Security Officer
Vorwerk SE & Co. KG
Florian Jörgens initially developed his professional interest in information technology in 2002.Whilst working as an IT specialist for system integration at T-Systems International GmbH, in...
Stefan Würtemberger
Executive Vice President Information Technology
Marabu Inks
Stefan Würtemberger is employed at Marabu GmbH & Co. KG, where he is Vice President Information Technology and responsible for Global IT. Previously, he was Chief Digital Officer and CIO...
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