When will my Digital ID Wallet Work all Over the World?
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When will my Digital ID Wallet Work all Over the World?

Thursday, May 11, 2023 08:30—08:50
Location: C 01

When I travel aboard or do business with someone from outside my country, my payment cards and phone work across international boundaries. When will my Digital ID do the same?

This presentation will share how OIX’s work on Global Interoperability, part of the GAIN initiative, is defining how this will be possible through smart digital IDs or wallets that dynamically adapt to the policy rules of each new trust framework they encounter in a way that works seamlessly for the end user.

So, when I fly to the EU from the US my Digital ID from my US based wallet provider reads the rules of the EU trust framework and simply adapts. I don’t need to get a new local Digital ID for my visit to the EU. The EU trust framework policy rules will be described using a new globally applicable Open Policy Rules Exchange Framework that allows all frameworks to publish their policy characteristics in a standard machine-readable way.

My digital ID wallet contains key ‘golden credentials’ that should be accepted all over globe: passport, driving licence, bank account, telco account and my digital national ID card. Each trust framework will value these differently in its own Assurance Policy, which can also be published via the policy rule exchange framework. To make this work, new proofing and data content standards for some of the golden credentials will be required.

Technically, exchange of policy rules will be a decentralized approach, where policy rules are shared directly from each trust framework only to wallets they trust. The presentation will also outline the technical architecture to underpin this, and how the Open Policy Rules Exchange Framework will fit as a policy component as part of the Open Wallet Foundation architecture.

OIX is working with and analysing various trust frameworks around the global to create the Open Policy Rules framework, including the UK, Canada, EU, Australia, Singapore, MOSIP and Bank ID Sweden.

Come and find out more about how OIX’s vision of allowing us all to have a trusted Digital ID that can be accepted anywhere in the world can be achieved.

When will my Digital ID Wallet Work all Over the World?
Event Recording
When will my Digital ID Wallet Work all Over the World?
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When will my Digital ID Wallet Work all Over the World?
Presentation deck
When will my Digital ID Wallet Work all Over the World?
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Nick Mothershaw
Nick Mothershaw
The Open Identity Exchange
Nick is Chief Identity Strategist at the Open Identity Exchange, a community for all those involved in the ID sector to connect and collaborate. Together we develop the guidance needed for...
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