Effective Risk Management
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Real and Perceived Threats to the Energy Sector - 2019 and 2020

Combined Session
Tuesday, October 08, 2019 15:45—16:45
Location: Ballroom

What are the cyber threats posed to natural gas?  What's the state of cyber defense for our pipelines?  Downstream Natural Gas Information Sharing and Analysis Center (DNG-ISAC) Threat Analyst will provide an overview of the dynamic cyber and physical threats faced by the natural gas and pipeline sub-sector in 2019 and 2020.  Industry data will be summarized to paint a picture of current challenges to the safety and operation of our national critical energy infrastructure using insights provided by industry executives and security professionals.  We'll explore how natural gas operational intelligence has benefited cross-sector and public partners.

Real and Perceived Threats to the Energy Sector - 2019 and 2020
Presentation deck
Real and Perceived Threats to the Energy Sector - 2019 and 2020
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
John Bryk
John Bryk
Downstream Natural Gas Information Sharing and Analysis Center (DNG-ISAC)
John Bryk retired as a colonel from the United States Air Force after a 30-year career.  As a senior officer, he was selected to serve as a military diplomat at...
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