Identity Governance & Administration
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Access Certification Campaigns that Work

Expert Talk
Thursday, May 16, 2019 14:30—15:30

Access certification is the process of validating access rights within systems. This compulsery process is at the cornerstone of most of the security policies and

compliance framework; however, it can be a very daunting process for some organizations with dispersed systems, workforce, and partners which do not have tools, resources, and a centralized identity directory. With access certification, organizations and regulations aim to formally validate users within systems and ensure their access rights are appropriate.

Access certifications are no longer limited to reviewing an IAM role model. Both digital transformation initiatives and new compliance constraints such as GDPR raised the need to deploy access certifications campaigns accross the company to migitate new risks: Who can access to personal data? Who can leverage privileged accounts? Are those SoD risks properly mitigated? Are those third party managed systems access rights aligned with the security policy?, ... Long story short: Access certification is a clever way of industrializing controls to mitigate risks and ensure compliance.

This raised new challenges: How to be able to review any kind of information, whether or not it is managed through a legacy IAM system, and more importantly, how to make those acess certification campaigns work, given the fact that a business user will spend no more than 3 minutes to review thoses entries...

During this conference, we will describe a framework used to successfully deploy access certifications campaigns within months and we will demonstrate through a live demo that it is possible to efficiently review 2000 entries within 3 minutes with the help of Identity Analytics algorithms.

Key takeways:

- An actionable framework to successfully deploy access certifications campaigns

- An inovative way of reviewing thousands of entries within minutes

- Access certification interfaces that business users love

Sebastien Faivre
Sebastien Faivre
Brainwave GRC
Sebastien Faivre is co-founder and CTO of the Brainwave company. He owns a Master 2 degree in telecommunication. He is a seasoned IAM professional with more than 20 years working in the...
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