Beyond the Hype of Blockchain Economics
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You Can’t Do PII on a Blockchain, so What Then Is It Good for in Identity?

Combined Session
Thursday, May 16, 2019 14:30—15:30
Location: CHIEMSEE

Many viewpoints of the applicability of blockchain for consumer identity have been expressed. In particular, some express doubt about the viability of being able to reconcile GDPR’s right-to-be-forgotten with the immutable nature of blockchain. This is in fact true. However, there are still ways that blockchain can increase transaction integrity while also providing privacy-by-design leadership. Come join this session to learn about how blockchain is being used in the Canadian model to increase transaction integrity in support of delivering a triple-blind-privacy data sharing model that demonstrates positive user consent, is very simple to use, and reduces fraud.

You Can’t Do PII on a Blockchain, so What Then Is It Good for in Identity?
Presentation deck
You Can’t Do PII on a Blockchain, so What Then Is It Good for in Identity?
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Andre Boysen
Andre Boysen
DIACC / SecureKey Technologies
Andre is responsible for positioning SecureKey’s growth strategy, cultivating opportunities in new and existing markets, and promoting demand for the company’s solutions globally. He...
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