The Post-GDPR Reality
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Panel: Anonymisation and Pseudonymisation - What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 15, 2019 14:30—15:30
Location: AMMERSEE I

The ability to anonymise data and analytical insights derived from personal data is a powerful tool to deal with privacy regulations such as HIPAA and GDPR. For example, the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party states that anonymisation does not require customer consent and according to the GDPR Recital 26 anonymized data is exempt from GDPR. 

That is why anonymisation is a perfect way to gain deeper insights into your data without exposing this data to risk. Unfortunately implementing reliable anonymisation is technically complex and may have limited utility in practice. Pseudonymisation methods and tools are more widespread but have limitations and do not address key challenges resulting from GDPR, for example. This talk will discuss the advantages and challenges around a range of methods, and illustrate this with practical examples and actual use cases.

Key takeaways:

- Understanding key benefits and challenges around a number of privacy enhancing methods and technologies
- Insight in how some organizations address data privacy protection and regulatory challenges using technology
- Learn how customers use anonymisation in their data analysis and what insights they gain from it

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Felix Bauer
Felix Bauer studied Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge before starting work with the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Germany. Together with the current CTO Sebastian Eide...
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Athena Software
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Thom Langford
(TL)2 Security
Thom is the founder of (TL)2 Security, a strategic Information security Consultancy that focuses on Virtual CISO, strategic business alignment and public speaking/advocacy for hire.As Chief...
Michal Wendrowski
Michal Wendrowski
Commercial Director of Astec, one of the leading IT service providers with cybersecurity expertise. Distinguished by Brief magazine as one of the most creative people in business. Two-times TEDx...
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