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Managing Digital Identities, KYC & Identity Fraud with Anonymous Biometric Authentication

Combined Session
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 10:30—11:30
Location: Ballroom 2

Any company providing online services is facing increasing identity theft, forgery and fraud issues. At the same time, customers demand convenient and quick processes. For being compliant with KYC, AML and data privacy regulations, service providers need to be sure of their customers’ and users’ legal identities. Therefore, the online services industry faces the challenge to deliver strong and at the same time intuitive authentication and identity proofing processes.
Thanks to advances in biometric technology, biometric authentication is now more secure & convenient than ever. Still, data privacy and security are the big issues companies and consumers think about when it comes to biometrics. But, instead of having to fear data misuse, there is a transparent way of using biometrics as an authentication for logical access control: Anonymous face recognition with liveness detection. Consumers stay completely in control and any process they secure through their biometrics needs 100% of their consent through face authorization. Thus, automated customer onboarding & authentication with identity proofing and guaranteed user presence now aligns with data privacy through anonymous biometrics.

Key takeaways:

- Biometrics & Privacy are not a contradiction
- Biometric authentication can solve many issues concerning digital identities in the online services world
- Biometric authentication is bound to a person BUT also anonymous, privacy-assured, highly secure, accurate & convenient
- Anonymous biometric authentication with liveness detection supports GDPR implementation and compliance with AML & KYC regulations

Managing Digital Identities, KYC & Identity Fraud with Anonymous Biometric Authentication
Presentation deck
Managing Digital Identities, KYC & Identity Fraud with Anonymous Biometric Authentication
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Ho Chang
Ho Chang
BioID GmbH
With “be recognized” as the slogan and vision for the company, Ho first recognized the commercial potential of the multimodal biometric technology now known as BioID.Ho’s...
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