GDPR, Cloud & Federation
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Leveraging UMA's Power for Compliance and User Control

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 16, 2018 17:30—18:30
Location: AMMERSEE I

In the face of not just GDPR, but many nations' new mandates for consumer data rights, organizations with a variety of business models face what may be their most serious dilemma of the information age: how can we deal in personal data safely? Proponents of the User-Managed Access vision would say the only way is to offer individuals "context, control, choice, and respect". This session will explore new UMA work that maps the flow of on-the-wire technical artifacts to legal devices such as contracts and licenses, designed to allow provable end-to-end control by data subjects of access rights to personal digital assets.

Eve Maler
Eve Maler
Eve Maler (@xmlgrrl) is VP of Innovation & Emerging Technology in ForgeRock's Office of the CTO. She is a renowned strategist, innovator, and communicator on digital identity, security,...
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