CIAM, Privacy and Blockchain
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The Changing Face of Identity

Combined Session
Tuesday, September 12, 2017 14:00—15:00
Location: 409

CIAM adoption is growing rapidly, but the category is not yet widely understood. Although CIAM’s basic functions – authentication, authorization, user administration, and identity access/repository services - are similar to traditional (workforce) IAM ones, they differ in the user experiences offered, scale of operation, software development practices, nature of services, and standards required.

Many businesses must work to comply with GDPR and other privacy mandates at the same time they bring new mobile-, cloud-, IOT-, or machine learning-enhancing products to market. What does the stick of privacy regulation have in common with the carrot of new businesses services? Both require establishing more flexible relationships with customers and greater sophistication in personal data handling.

In this session, Senior Analyst Dan Blum will explore alternate theories on how the CIAM market will evolve and suggest leading practices for:

The Changing Face of Identity
Presentation deck
The Changing Face of Identity
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Dan Blum
Dan Blum
Dan Blum is an internationally-recognized expert in security, privacy, cloud computing, identity management and works as Senior Analyst at KuppingerCole. He develops Security Architects...
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