GDPR, PSD2 & Identity
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GDPR, PSD2 & Identity

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 14:30—15:30
Location: AMMERSEE I

Open Payments APIs and GDPR Means Banks have to Become Identity Providers

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and European 2nd Payments Service Directive (PSD2) will result in significant internal and external changes to the way banks operate. Internally banks need to think about where personal data is stored and how it is managed. Externally banks are being forced to open up APIs that will give third parties permissioned access to customer and transaction data. To turn this into an opportunity banks should become identity providers. This talk will explain why this is the case and explore how a bank-led digital identity eco-system could evolve.

Steve Pannifer
Steve Pannifer
Consult Hyperion
Steve Pannifer is a director of Consult Hyperion as well as being an identity technology and security expert. Steve works with banks, mobile operators and leading technology companies on digital...

Tooling up for GDPR Compliance

This panel will introduce and debate what would an ideal suite of tools comprise of, to adequately mitigate risks arising from non compliance with GDPR. The intention to comprise the panel of representatives from solutions organisations, the insurance industry and consortia associated with data privacy and personal data.

Jordi Clement
Jordi Clement
Jordi has worked in the Identity & Access Management, portal and security space for over 15 years, playing pivotal roles in successfully delivering IAM solutions for international companies...
Rooly Eliezerov
Rooly Eliezerov
Rooly Eliezerov is Co-founder & President at Gigya. Gigya provides a Customer Identity Management platform that helps companies turn unknown site visitors into known, loyal and engaged...
Nils Meyer
Nils Meyer
CA Technologies
Steve Pannifer
Steve Pannifer
Consult Hyperion
Steve Pannifer is a director of Consult Hyperion as well as being an identity technology and security expert. Steve works with banks, mobile operators and leading technology companies on digital...
Colin Wallis
Colin Wallis
Kantara Initiative
Colin is the Executive Director of the Kantara Initiative Inc, the globally acknowledged thought leader and emerging practice resource centre for federated digital identity, access and...
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