
This is an overview of the market for Privilege Access Management (PAM) platforms and provides a compass to help buyers find the product that best meets their needs. KuppingerCole examines the market segment, vendor capabilities, relative market share, and innovative approaches to providing PAM solutions. These platforms fall under the KuppingerCole Privileged Access Management PAM classification and add improved security and value to business.

Such products will include those that offer basic PAM capabilities such as password vaulting and management, full-service platforms that offer most capabilities right through to some CIEM capabilities and vendors that offer a mix of various capabilities for specific applications.

  • The emergence of Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Platforms (CIEM) is disrupting the traditional PAM market; some traditional vendors now offering CIEM type capabilities.
  • Dynamic cloud access demands continue to grow as organizations struggle with unauthorized clouds and personal cloud creation by Lines of Business (LOB), end users and Developers.
  • New market entrants continue to appear but with highly focused PAM apps rather than suites, usually 100% cloud native.
  • A market divide is emerging between centralized, multi-capability PAM platforms and smaller PAM and CIEM apps purchased for small businesses or LOBs.
  • Vaults vs. passwordless continues to be a choice but no sign yet of a persistent decline of vaults and password capabilities.
  • Just in Time (JIT) and Zero Standing Privilege (ZSP) demands are beginning to impact the market with vendors either now offering those capabilities or have in their roadmap.
  • The number of PAM and PAM capable vendors has increased despite mergers and acquisitions among established vendors.
  • More granular and revised scoring by KuppingerCole has resulted in a realignment of vendors to reflect new capability demands and the changing market.
  • PAM Leadership Compass 2023 has revised Spider Graph categories to reflect changing market demands.