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Dr. Abbie Barbir

Dr. Abbie Barbir

Co-founder and Board member
ADIA and FIDO Alliance
Abbie Barbir serves as a Senior Security Advisor in the areas of identity management, mobile devices and authentication. Abbie has extensive experience in identity and access management. Abbie is the co-founder of ADI Association (https://adiassociation.org/ ). He has worked with many standard organizations on developing next generation authentication technologies and is member of the FIDO Board of Directors. Barbir holds a Ph.D. in computer engineering from Louisiana State University. In his more than 25 years in the software and security industry, he has been a Professor of Computer Science, an Application Developer, Data Compression and Encryption Inventor, Systems Architect, Security Architect, Engineering Manager, Consultant, Author and Inventor of numerous security algorithms and articles.

Abbie Barbir holds Ph.D. LD Dir, Security Engineering, CISSP CVS Health Co-Chair OASIS LVCSP TC Co-chair OASIS ID Trust SC

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