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Joe Andrieu

Joe Andrieu

Founder and President
Legendary Requirements
Joe Andrieu is founder and president of Legendary Requirements, where he helps companies deeply understand the human requirements for identity systems, with a focus on decentralized approaches that give individuals greater control over how we are recognized, remembered, and responded to. He is former co-chair of the Credentials Community Group and lead author of the use case documents for Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identifiers, both recommendations from the World Wide Web Consortium where he served as an invited expert. He is also the creator and editor of the DID Method Rubric, an approach for evaluating DID Methods published by the World Wide Web Consortium at http://w3.org/TR/did-rubric.

He is also a board member, producer, and facilitator for Rebooting the Web of Trust, where, among other papers, he is the author of the Functional Identity Primer http://bit.ly/FunctionalIdentityPrimer, and lead author on Five Mental Models of Identity http://bit.ly/FiveMentalModels, Joram 1.0.0 http://bit.ly/joram100, and Amira 1.0.0 http://bit.ly/Amira100 

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