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Dr. Mihaela Ulieru

Dr. Mihaela Ulieru

Founder and President
IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy
Founder and President IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy. Working with governments, international institutions, civil society and private sector partners to mitigate global challenges by using digital technologies as an integrated component of policy making. Builds major programs leading the scaling-up of operations through strategic partnerships and networks: Industrial Informatics, Future of Medicine, Self-Organizing Security, EnergyWeb, Global Manufacturing Systems, Sustainable Personal Living Technologies, Organic Governance. Creates new solutions, markets and revenue securing large-scale funding from a variety of public and private sources to improve quality of life and global sustainability through technology development and accessibility. Appointed to numerous boards of which: the Science Technology and Innovation Council of Canada; ASTAR Singapore and SimTech Manufacturing Institute; IEEE-Industrial Electronics Society; the European Commission Future and Emerging Technologies Directorate and EC Innovative Production and Machines Manufacturing Network of Excellence; US NSF. Member, Global Agenda Council on Data Driven Development. Awarded Canada Research Chair in ‘eSociety’ and Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems Design. Founding Director of Adaptive Risk Management Lab and Emergent Information Systems Lab researching evolvable architectures for resilience governance and holistic security ecosystems. PhD Intelligent Systems, Germany. Awarded author, over 200 scientific articles. Awarded poet, multilingual. Native of Romania. Raised her two sons as single parent.

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