Richard. J. Cordes
Cognitive Security and Education Forum | BlockScience
R.J. Cordes is a researcher and social systems engineer focused on sensemaking, knowledge and information management, and team facilitation. He regularly contributes to and helps facilitate interdisciplinary teams, committees, and working groups addressing human factors in interorganizational information sharing, intelligence, and decision-making under pressure in a wide variety of contexts. He previously spent time in FinTech contributing to work on business intelligence processes, and in serious games and simulation working on mechanism design, scenario management, education, and red teaming of unintended use. R.J., given his eclectic background and continued interdisciplinary facilitation of both academics and professionals, offers a unique and unconventional perspective on the impact of technology in organizational sensemaking, and on the potential for humans to impact technology in unexpected ways.
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June 05, 2024
15:00 - 15:30
Panel: Is Decentralization The Best Way to Achieve Transparency and Verifiability in AI?
Combined Session