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Lilly Schmidt

Lilly Schmidt

Program Lead
Digitial Society Institute at ESMT Berlin
Lilly Schmidt is a Research Associate and Program Lead for the Digitial Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT, Berlin. Her main research focuses on technology politics and law with a focus on digital identity management in Germany and Europe. Other than that she focuses her research on cyber security, cyber diplomacy, and digital community building. While following her BA in Politics, Public Administration, and Business Administration, she spent a semester at the University of Tartu (Estonia). During her stay in Estonia, she was inspired to compare the introduction of the eID in Germany and Estonia for her thesis. After finishing her Bachelor's Degree she started the Erasmus Mundus Master in Public Sector Innovation and eGovernment. The program took place at KU Leuven (Belgium), WWU Münster (Germany), and TalTech (Estonia). Her Master's Thesis focused on the introduction of the eID in Germany and graduated Magna cum laude. Prior to ESMT, she worked at a public sector consultancy firm as a working student in Berlin, consulting federal ministries on how to digitalize their public services (OZG).

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June 06, 2024
12:10 - 12:30
Digital ID/Decentralized ID
Combined Session
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