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Daniel Friedman

Daniel Friedman

Co-Founder and President
Active Inference Institute
I am a co-founder and current President of the Active Inference Institute, an educational non-profit dedicated to learning and applying Active Inference.
With COGSEC I am working on topics related to cognitive security, education, and knowledge management.​
Previously, I have collaborated in areas including applied Complexity (Complexity Adventures), remote work (Remotor Consulting Group) and predictive modeling (FM Analytics). ​
From 2020-2023 I was a postdoctoral human in Davis, California, working with Prof. Brian Johnson (UC Davis) and Prof. Tim Linksvayer (Arizona State University). Our research was related to behavior, distributed physiology, and evolutionary genomics in insects (especially ants and bees).
From 2014-2019 I did my Ph.D. in Biology at Stanford University, on behavior, neurophysiology, and ecology in red harvester ants with Prof. Deborah Gordon.
​While an undergraduate at UC Davis from 2010-2014, I worked on developmental genetics in flies with Prof. Artyom Kopp.

All of my research can be found and download here.

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