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Janne Kuparinen

Janne Kuparinen

Currently working as Tech Lead at S Group's IAM Program. Helping S Group with IAM, PAM, security and cloud related projects. Before I joined SOK again, I was leading Nordcloud’s Digital Identity consulting practice where I was responsible that we delivered optimal identity solutions for our customers to secure their IAM and cloud journeys. I was also responsible for selecting the best partners with most the competitive products. I have excellent knowledge of digital identity e.g. cloud and on-premises IAM, AD/AAD, PAM, CIEM, HR systems, and external identities. I have been project manager in large cloud deployment, transformation and security projects. Outside office hours, I'm one of the founders of the Finnish esports company HAVU Gaming Oy. Before my IT career, I was a world class Counter-Strike 1.6 player.

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June 05, 2024
15:50 - 16:10
Battle-Tested Strategies for SaaS IGA
Combined Session
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