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Anil Bhandari

Anil Bhandari

Chief Mentor & Thought Leader
ARCON TechSolutions
Anil Bhandari is an inspired innovator, technologist, and thought leader in Information Risk Management. He serves as a Mentor & Thought Leader and provides his invaluable insights for the future growth and development of ARCON. He mentors the product technology roadmap with his insightful knowledge in the areas of Risk Management, Internal Audits, and Regulatory Compliances.

Anil brings his expert domain knowledge in areas of Banking, Financial Services, and Telecommunication. He is also an internationally recognized Thought Leader in the subject of Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC).

Thanks to his in-depth experience of assessing risks for data centers, networks, varied technology platforms, and core IT processes, Anil possesses intensive knowledge in the Information Security and GRC domains. The knowledge acquired over the years has helped him to consult large enterprises looking to implement cutting edge solutions in Cyber Security and the best practices for critical functions such as BCP/DR.

He has persistently contributed to several Associations and Forums and has been a part of various national and International Committees that focus on technology risk management and Internal Audit.

Having contributed as an honorary advisor to Regulators on matters pertaining to Risk and Compliance, Anil is now internationally regarded as an innovator, technologist and a thought leader in the Information Risk Management, Internal Audits, Regulatory Compliances, Frauds, Forensic, and IT/Cyber Security space. Now he also invests in high-growth technologies. As an investor and mentor, he works in tandem with an array of early-stage technology companies that focus on mitigating Information technology-related risks.

In his spare time, he particularly enjoys reading up on the Internet of Things (IoT).

He is also a Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant, and a Certified Information Systems Auditor besides academically inclined he also serves as an honorary advisor to several regulatory authorities on the matter of Enterprise Risk Management. Further, he has also contributed to several standards being on the Advanced Technology Committee of the IIA, Inc USA.

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