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Rachelle Sellung

Rachelle Sellung

Senior Research Scientist
Fraunhofer IAO
Rachelle Sellung is a Senior Scientist Researcher in the Identity Management Competence Team at Fraunhofer IAO in Stuttgart, Germany. She conducts socio-economic and user experience research on a variety of emerging technologies in Identity Management and IT security. Currently she is conducting user experience research in the German Research Project, ONCE, which is a show case project that aims to be the next German Digital Identity wallet. In addition, she is contributing to the EU funded project mGov4EU, which is a project that focuses on mobile cross-border governmental services for Europe. She is leading the user experience research for a privacy assistant tool for smart health devices in the TESTER project. Moreover, she has worked in many other EU and German funded research projects and Industry projects focused on Trust management (e.g. LIGHTest), Digital Wallets (DECIDE, ONCE) and Identity Management (FutureID, Skidentity, and SSEDIC,).

Rachelle Sellung holds a Master of Science in Economics from the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany, and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing from the University of Mississippi, USA. An overview of her publications can be found here.

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June 04, 2024
10:30 - 12:30
Future Forward: Shaping Identity with Diversity & Expertise
Pre-conference Event
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