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Sovrin Foundation offers a global public registry for DIDs and a trust anchor for Verifiable Credentials, enabling digital identity management based on principles of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).

Sovrin's MainNet is a mature production public readable, permissioned writable network since 2017, based on decentralized ledger technology (Hyperledger Indy) and managed by the non-profit organization Sovrin Foundation. Sovrin MainNet operates globally and across various jurisdictions, aligning with the GDPR and eIDAS 2.0 in the context of electronic ledgers.

Sovrin supports the use of did:sov, did:indy, Hyperledger AnonCreds, and other Verifiable Credentials based on the W3C VC Data Model. Sovrin's Transaction Endorsers include national governments, government agencies, banks, financial institutions, technology providers, telecommunications providers and the aerospace industry.

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