Dr. Andre Kudra
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Dr. Andre Kudra

Board Member
IT Security Association Germany (TeleTrusT)

On a mission for decentralized identity & bit-heat confidential cloud. Decentralization visionary. Passion for information security since turn of millennium. Business-driven yet tech-savvy – IT guy at heart, businessman by education. European Business School (EBS) diplomas & doctorate, James Madison University (JMU) computer science bachelor's degree. Since 2013 CIO of esatus AG. Board member of TeleTrusT – IT Security Association Germany, ToIP Steering Committee member and Sovrin Foundation Trustee. Digital culture activist with Demoscene and retro computing affiliations.

esatus is a German digital transformation company with strong Decentralized Identity (DCI) footprint. DCI high-impact references include ID Wallet of German Federal Chancellery, IDunion and EWC. Sovrin Founding Steward, cheqd node operator, founding member of OpenWallet Foundation (OWF) & Trust over IP (ToIP) Foundation, member of DIDAS, DIF, and MyData. MyData Operator status for esatus DCI enterprise suite “SOWL”.

Dr. Andre Kudra
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September 14, 2021
16:10 - 16:30
A Primer for SSI in DE
Combined Session
September 16, 2021
13:30 - 16:00
Decentralized Identity for the Enterprise
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