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Christopher Ruppricht

Christopher Ruppricht

Chief Information Security Officer
At the beginning of December 2022, Christopher Ruppricht took up his new position as CISO at the German credit agency Schufa. His task is to work with his team to develop and maintain the IT security management system.

In addition to supporting the implementation of risk analyses and the creation of security concepts as well as vulnerability and threat management, this also includes raising employee awareness. He also has to carry out audits of organizational units and contractual partners. In his new position, Ruppricht reports to the Executive Board.

Thanks to his previous position as CISO at paydirekt, Ruppricht already has experience in the field of security in the financial sector. He also holds lectures on IT security in the bachelor's degree course in software engineering at the Technical University of Central Hesse. The aim is to teach prospective developers suitable tools and methods for risk identification, analysis and mitigation and to show them the benefits of a good ISMS.

Ruppricht has also been working as a freelance consultant for his own IT security company CR-IT.eu since 2006. From 2011 to 2017, he also held an advisory role at s-consit.

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December 04, 2024
11:35 - 11:55
DDoS and Ransomware – An Analysis of Current Threats
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