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Michael Schrank

Michael Schrank

Group CISO
Iconic global sports brand
Michael Schrank is a passionate, tech-savvy & major incident proven CISO. He was born 1985, loved computers since he was a kid and therefore later studied Computer Science at the University of Passau. He is currently the Group CISO at a major sport goods company since April 1st, 2021. Before that he had been with Daimler AG, leading their global security practices, for 4 years. Prior to those engagements, he had been in various security leadership and expert roles in the automotive and banking industry.

Michael is a strong advocate for positioning information security as a business enabler, with strong focus on the real threats and risks. That’s also why he favors pragmatic solutions and is trying to eliminate bureaucracy in security processes. After all, for him, security experts need to be able to understand the threats that are out there and prioritize the implementation of proactive and reactive measures accordingly.

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