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Jörg Cornelius Schneider

Jörg Cornelius Schneider

Global Enterprise Engineer CSO CTO Crypto Architecture
Deutsche Bank AG
Jörg works in Deutsche Bank's Chief Security Office where he is responsible for the Cryptography Architecture of the firm.

 In his 20+ years in Deutsche Bank he has had multiple Cyber Security roles, was given the opportunity to build foundational key and certificate management services and to contribute to the security posture of many applications in the bank.

2017/18 he helped bootstrapping the CISO function and security setup of the digital identity startup Verimi.

Jörg represents Deutsche Bank in industry associations like Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft and FS-ISAC.

He is passionate about newer cryptographic developments like Confidential Computing and Post Quantum Cryptography for which he acts as an ambassador internally and externally.

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