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Future Cybersecurity Threats: Be Prepared

Blog Post

Future Cybersecurity Threats: Be Prepared

Warwick Ashford
Jul 18, 2023

Preparing for future cybersecurity threats can be daunting, but it really doesn’t have to be the case if cyber security leaders recognize the true nature of the challenge. An analysis of past cyber-attacks reveals that they tend to be cyclic and lack any real innovation.

Most "sophisticated" attacks are just different combinations of well-known attack tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) applied to new technologies. Therefore, the key to success lies in focusing on new technologies, protecting data within them, and automating processes to keep up with the pace of change.

Assess risk

A risk-based, data- and identity-centric approach to security is invaluable. Data is the lifeblood of any organization and the main target of cyber-attacks. Identity plays a crucial role in access control and is frequently exploited through various TTPs. Risk assessments should pay particular attention to data and identity, ensuring thorough analysis and mitigation before implementing new technologies.

Focus on technology

There are several developments in the business IT landscape that require attention, starting with artificial intelligence (AI), which can be used both by attackers and defenders, enabling attacks, such as phishing using deepfake impersonations. Quantum computing poses a threat to encryption, and organizations must plan for quantum-proof encryption. Internet-enabled devices (IoT) are vulnerable and can be exploited to access wider networks. Cloud-based services, while offering advantages, require diligent risk assessments and strong security measures.

The trend of remote work introduces new cybersecurity risks, especially with the rise of shadow IT. Virtual environments, such as the metaverse, offer new opportunities for engaging customers but require careful consideration of privacy and security. Web3.0, with its open-source and blockchain foundations, may improve data control but also provides new attack vectors. 5G networks offers enhanced capabilities but require understanding and planning for the associated cybersecurity risks.  Lastly, organizations must address the security risks associated with the IT supply chain, as compromises can lead to further cyber-attacks.

Challenges and opportunities

Digitalization brings both benefits and challenges. Organizations must prioritize security while embracing change to ensure the success of their operations.

Cybersecurity in an AI powered digital world is the focus of KuppingerCole’s cyberevolution event in Frankfurt from 14-16 November that will look at tackling future cybersecurity threats.

Presentations will focus on a range of topics, including how AI enables cyber attackers and defenders, securing the autonomous world and the cloud, advancements in quantum computing, detecting deepfakes, securing IoT devices, securing business communication channels and supply chains, protecting digital identities, and the security challenges of Web3 and the metaverse.

KuppingerCole Analysts AG
Warwick Ashford is a Senior Analyst who researches cybersecurity and identity-related topics, including emerging technologies and trends. He has been writing IT news and analysis as a journalist and editor since 2003, specialising in cybersecurity and privacy since 2012. Warwick has also worked as a freelance radio producer and broadcast journalist, writing and presenting news bulletins on national radio for the South African Broadcasting Corporation.
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